Pictures: “A day at Radio 2” for Children In Need

On 16th November 2022 Bob joined his BBC radio 2 colleagues in support of the extraordinary efforts made by afternoon DJ Scott Mills to raise funds foe “Children in Need”.

Scott completed a gruelling 24-hour treadmill challenge raising £1,000,365 - supported by fellow DJs and stars including Mel C, Mark Owen, Louis Theroux and Gemma Collins.

“I feel so proud of Scott Mills and the @bbcradio2 listeners for raising more than £1,000,000 for @bbccin in the Treadmills Challenge - an incredible effort. Congratulations to everyone involved. Now, more than ever, it really does make a huge difference…”


Bob is interviewed for The Cricketer magazine


Chris Hawkins talks to Bob on “How to DJ” Podcast